<img src="images/start-screen-logo.svg" alt="Cosy College Girl" class="start-screen-logo">
<span class="small">This game has adult content. Please only continue if you're over 18.</span>
[[Start game|Intro]]By H.H Richards
<p class="version">v1.0.0 <<if $fullGame is false>>(Demo)<</if>></p><a onclick="window.open(this.href,'_blank','location=no');return false;" href="https://www.patreon.com/lewdmod?utm_source=snuggle&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=snugglemenu">Support this game on Patreon</a>
<a onclick="window.open(this.href,'_blank','location=no');return false;" href="http://eepurl.com/hbPvrb">Subscribe to newsletter</a>
<a onclick="window.open(this.href,'_blank','location=no');return false;" href="https://hhrichards.itch.io/?utm_source=snuggle&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=snugglemenu">More games like this</a>
<a onclick="window.open(this.href,'_blank','location=no');return false;" href="https://hhrichards.itch.io/lewd-mod?utm_source=snuggle&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=snugglemenu">Get the full game</a>Start with a score equal to the number of images/passages. Decrement each time you get one wrong.
Add the decrementer on the option which is incorrect. <<nobr>>
<div class="email-top-wrapper" style="display:none">
<<include "Email top bar Ellie">>
<</nobr>><<include "Email top bar">>
<<set $fullGame to true>>
<div class="email-top email-top--ellie">
<img src="images/ellie.svg" class="email-top__profile" width="50" height="50">
<p class="email-top__name">From: Ellie B 💕😊</p>
<</nobr>>Double-click this passage to edit it.Morning babe!! 😃😘💕
I hope you're ok today?! xx
[[Yes thanks!|ec good]]
[[Nope|ec bad]]Fab!! 😊💖
Guess where I am right now!!
[[You're in bed?|ec bed?]]
[[At college?|ec in college?]]
[[Dunno|ec dunno]]Oh no!! 😟
Well I would give you a hug if I could!!!
[[Thanks|ec guess]]Guess where I am right now!!
[[You're in bed?|ec bed?]]
[[You're at college?|ec in college?]]
[[I dunno|ec dunno]]Lol you're so bad at guessing! 😞
Want me to just tell you?
[[Yes|ec didnt guess bed]]
[[You're in bed?|ec bed?]]Yessssss!!!! ✨😄✨
<img src="images/ec-bed.svg">
I'm so lazy, lol
[[Are you naked?|ec naked in bed?]]
[[You look cozy!|ec cozy]]Nope, not yet!
But I do need to go in later
[[You're in bed?|ec bed?]]
[[You're at the library?|ec at library? (after college)]]
[[I dunno|ec dunno]]Nope!
But I might go there today!
[[You're in bed?|ec bed?]]
[[I dunno|ec dunno]]Well... some parts of me are naked! 😄
[[Which parts?|ec legs]]
[[Show me!|ec legs]]I am!
Very cosy!
[[I wish I was there with you!|ec wish there]]
[[Send me a photo|ec legs]]I'm in bedddddd!!! 😄
<img src="images/ec-bed.svg">
I'm so lazy, lol
[[Are you naked?|ec naked in bed?]]
[[You look cozy!|ec cozy]]My legs are naked I suppose!
<img src="images/ec-legs.svg">
[[What else is naked?|ec what else naked]]
[[You have nice legs!|ec nice legs]]Hehe yes me too!
You'd get to see my legs! 😄
[[Show me!|ec legs]]Nothing else... Yet! 😛
Btw do you think my legs are too chunky?
<img src="images/ec-chunky-legs.svg">
[[No!|ec legs not chunky]]
[[Maybe a little bit|ec legs chunky]]Oh really? I think they're too chunky!! 😩
<img src="images/ec-chunky-legs.svg">
They are NOT my best feature!!
[[Your legs are not chunky!|ec legs beautiful]]
[[Your legs are beautiful!|ec legs beautiful]]
[[What is your best feature?|ec best feature?]]Aww babe, you are SUCH a sweetheart! 😘💕✨
So what do you think is my best feature?
[[Your ass|ec best ass/tits]]
[[Your tits|ec best ass/tits]]
[[Your smile|ec best smile]]
[[Something else|ex something else]]Hmmm I don't know...
Maybe you can tell me! 😃
[[Your ass|ec best ass/tits]]
[[Your tits|ec best ass/tits]]
[[Your smile|ec best smile]]
[[Something else|ex something else]]Awww you are so romantic!! 😘💕
Would you like to kiss these lips? 💋
<img src="images/ec-lips.svg">
[[Yes|ec kiss lips]]
[[No|ec not kiss lips]]😮
You're sooo naughty!!! 😂
But it was a good answer, lol 😛
Would you like me to take another photo for you?
[[Yes|ec another pic tease]]
[[No|ec decline pic]]Oh really? Cos I think they're too chunky!! 😩
They are NOT my best feature!!
[[Your legs are beautiful!|ec legs beautiful]]
[[What is your best feature?|ec best feature?]]I thought so 😩😩
I hate my legs, they're my worst feature
[[What is your best feature?|ec best feature?]]So you don't like my tits or my butt?
Oh nooooo, you think I'm uglyyyy 😩😩😩
[[You're not ugly!|ec not ugly]]
[[You're beautifu!l|ec not ugly]]Hehe I'm just joking 😝
So what do you think is my best feature?
[[Your ass|ec best ass/tits]]
[[Your tits|ec best ass/tits]]
[[Your smile|ec best smile]]Hehehe, good because they would LOVE to kiss you! 😙💋
But on one condition....
[[What's that?|ec condition]]
[[Oh?|ec condition]]Hehehe well they would like to kiss YOU!! 💋
for being such a sweetheart! 😆😉
But I just realized I'm distracting you, do you want me to stop messaging you?
[[Yes|ec decline end]]
[[No|ec dont stop]]Hehe ok, hold on....
[[Okay|ec lips pic]]Oh really? 😟
I thought we were having fun?
Didn't you want me to send you any more photos?
[[Sure|ec another pic tease]]
[[Nah|ec decline end]]Would you like to kiss these lips?
<img src="images/ec-lips.svg">
[[Yes|ec kiss lips]]
[[No|ec not kiss lips]]Oh ok, talk l8r!! 😟👋
[[Ok bye|later]]...I want you to pretend you're here in my bed, giving me a biiiig cuddle!
Because I'm all nice & cosy 💕😊💕
[[I'd love to cuddle you in bed!|ec cuddle in bed]]
[[Don't you need to get up?|ec get up?]]
[[Are you staying in bed all day?|ec bed all day]]So I'm wondering how you're going to warm me up.... 😉🔥
Have any good ideas....? 😏
[[Yes, of course!|ec good idea]]
[[Nope!|ec no ideas]]Hehe good!! Because I want you to pretend you're here in my bed,
....giving me a biiiig cuddle!
Because I'm all nice & cosy 💕😊💕
[[I'd love to cuddle you in bed!|ec cuddle in bed]]
[[Don't you need to get up?|ec get up?]]
[[Are you staying in bed all day?|ec bed all day]]I do need to go to a lecture this morning 😔
[[How long before your lecture?|ec how long in bed]]
[[How long are you staying in bed?|ec how long in bed]]
[[What are you wearing?|ec what wearing]]I could probably spend all day being cosy in bed 😝
unfortunately I need to go to a lecture this morning 😔
[[How long before your lecture?|ec how long in bed]]
[[How long are you staying in bed?|ec how long in bed]]
[[I'd love to spend all day in bed with you!|ec all day bed]]Yay!!! ✨🥳✨
I could probably spend all day being cosy in bed 😝
[[Don't you need to get up?|ec get up?]]
[[Is that what you're doing today?|ec get up?]]Enough time for us to have some fun....
...if you want to 😃😉
[[Absolutely!|ec yes bed]]
[[Nah|ec decline end]]Oh let me take a photo
hold on...
[[Okay|ec tshirt]]Lol that's my DREAM day! 😃😃
...just staying in bed... being cosy...
...with you.... 😘💕
[[Naked?|ec naked?]]
[[What are you wearing?|ec what wearing]]Yay! I would LOVE
...to just cuddle in bed all day
...with you.... 😘💕
[[Naked?|ec naked?]]
[[What are you wearing?|ec what wearing]]Maaaaayyybe 😛
But let me show you what I'm wearing right now
Hold on...
[[Okay|ec tshirt]]I'm wearing a tshirt
<img src="images/ec-tshirt.svg">
[[Very sexy!|ec sexy tshirt]]
[[What else?|ec what else]]
[[Take it off!|ec ask remove tshirt]]I'm too cold!!! 🥶
[[Take it off anyway!|ex ask tshirt again]]
[[I know how to warm you up!|ec warm up]]Ewww really?
It's just a stinky tshirt that I wore all night 😆
[[Take it off!|ec ask remove tshirt]]
[[I like it!|ec like tshirt]]Hehe okay!! 😂
Want to see what else I'm wearing?
[[Sure|ec pants]]....just panties!
<img src="images/ec-pants.svg">
[[Take them off!|ec ask remove panties]]
[[Very sexy!|ec sexy panties]]You'll have to help me get warmed up first!!! 😛
Want to see what else I'm wearing?
[[Sure|ec pants]]You do? Lol 😄
...well.... 😏 ...before you warm me up...
Want to see what else I'm wearing?
[[Sure|ec pants]]Hehe you think so?
I don't want to get cold! 🥶
I need warming up first!!! 😄
[[Okay|ew warm me]]omg are you sure? 😮
I slept in them last night, they're probably really stinky!!
[[Eww!|ec pants eww]]
[[I bet they smell nice!|ec pants smell nice]]lol yeah! 🤢🤢😆
So anyways....
Are u coming to get cosy in bed with me?
[[Definitely!|ew warm me]]
[[Nope|ec in bed decline]]
[[Take your panties off!|ec ask remove panties]]lol you're sooo weird 😂
So anyways....
Are u coming to get cosy in bed with me?
[[Definitely!|ew warm me]]
[[Nope|ec in bed decline]]
[[Take your panties off!|ec ask remove panties]]Oh ok 😟
I'll speak to you soon maybe
[[Okay|later]]Ooohh you waste no time!
I like it!
But you know what I'd also like?
....feeling your hands caress my body
Wouldn't that be sooo nice?
[[Okay!|ec caress]]Ooooo now we're talking babe!
Yes! I loooove a good massage!! 😃😃
Where would you put your hands first? 😀
[[Your tits|ec massage tits]]
[[Your back|ec massage back]]
[[Your legs|ec massage legs]]
[[Your face|ec massage face]]Oh! 😮😆
Lol, I wasn't expecting you to say that 😄
That's very sweet, but I thought you'd say something... sexier!!
[[Nope|ec decline warm up tease]]
[[I'd kiss you...|ec kiss]]
[[I'd give you a massage|ec massage]]Ok lol, I'll talk to you l8r then!
[[Okay|end]]Woah no, you can't just start a massage by grabbing my tits! 😆
You have to stroke me somewhere gently to start with
[[Your back|ec massage back]]
[[Your legs|ec massage legs]]Errr, what are you gonna do? Smush my face? 😆
I'd rather you stroke somewhere more... intimate...
[[Your tits|ec massage tits]]
[[Your back|ec massage back]]
[[Your legs|ec massage legs]]Oooh yeah, I bet that'd feel good!
Imagine running your hands up and down my legs...
from my toes to my thighs...
[[...and further up?|ec massage butt]]
[[I'd turn you over!|ec massage butt]]Oooh yeah, I bet that'd feel good!
Imagine running your hands up and down my back....
from my shoulders to my butt!
[[...and further down?|ec massage butt]]
[[I'd turn you over!|ec turn over]]So I'm imagining you stroking me right now
Where would you put your hands first? 😀
[[Your tits|ec massage tits]]
[[Your back|ec massage back]]
[[Your legs|ec massage legs]]Hehe you want to massage my butt? 😊
✨That would feel amazing 😊💕✨
Oh... I have something to tell you....
[[Okay?|ec panties wet tease]]Hehe you want to feel my tits? 😊
Imagine running your hands over my tshirt...
...feeling my soft boobs underneath....
...making my nipples hard
Oh... I have something to tell you....
[[Okay?|ec panties wet tease]]You have been making my pussy very wet 😛
I can feel how wet my panties are now!
[[Show me!|ec show wet panties]]
[[Eww!|ec wet eww]]
[[Are you warm now?|ec warm?]]<img src="images/ec-wet-panties.svg">
Can you see how wet they are?
[[Yes|ec sexy wet]]
[[Sexy!|ec sexy wet]]No it's still cold!!!
But you've turned me on!
Can you see how wet my panties are?
<img src="images/ec-wet-panties.svg">
[[Yes|ec sexy wet]]My panties are so wet because you've turned me on 😏
You HAVE to help me...
[[Sure|ec help how]]
[[How can I help?|ec help how]]Babe you are so fucking amazing 😊😊
I'm so horny....
I want you to tell me what you'd do with my wet pussy... 😉💕
[[I'd stroke it|ec finger pussy]]
[[I'd lick it|ec lick pussy]]
[[I'd fuck it|ec fuck pussy]]I want you to tell me what you'd do with my wet pussy... 😉💕
[[I'd stroke it|ec finger pussy]]
[[I'd lick it|ec lick pussy]]
[[I'd fuck it|ec fuck pussy]]Hehe that's what I'm doing riiiight now... 😛
<img src="images/ec-touching.svg">
Want to know what I'm imagining right now?
[[Sure|ec fantasy]]
[[Very sexy!|ec fantasy]]Oh yes! So hot! 😃💕
I'm touching my pussy right now thinking about it
<img src="images/ec-touching.svg">
Want to know what I'm imagining right now?
[[Sure|ec fantasy]]Oh, so hot! 😃💕
I'm touching my pussy right now thinking about it
<img src="images/ec-touching.svg">
Want to know the sexyiest thing I just imagined?
[[Sure|ec fantasy]]I'm imagining you...
Going down on me....
<img src="images/ec-touching2.svg">
Would you like that? xx
[[Absolutely!|ec like licking]]
[[Take your panties off!|ec ask remove panties 2]]Oh yeah, I was so busy rubbing my wet panties that I forgot!
Ok, panties coming down....
[[Okay|ec panties off]]Good!
Because I'd like to feel your tongue licking my wet clit...
Oh, I need to take my panties off!!
[[Okay|ec panties off]]Lol my panties are SOO wet! 😄
<img src="images/ec-panties-down-wet.svg">
[[Take them off!|ec panties off 2]]
[[I wonder why? 😛|ec why panties wet]]You don't like it when I tell you about my wet pussy? 😩🙀
Don't you want to see how wet you made me? 😏
[[Sure!|ec show wet panties]]
[[Nah|ec decline warm up]]Hehe ok ok!! 😂✨
<img src="images/ec-pants-down.svg">
Do you want to see my pussy? 😊
[[Yes!|ec pussy tease]]
[[Nah|ec no pussy]]haha it's because I'm imagining you in bed with me
...touching my pussy 😊😝
[[Take your panties off!|ec panties off 2]]hehe good!✨
Let me take a pic! 😘💕
[[Okay|ec pussy pic]]😩😩 You don't want to see my pussy?!!
[[Nah|ec decline pussy]]
[[Yes!|ec pussy tease]]Oh okay 😞
I'll talk to you another time then 😔😓
[[Okay|end]]Here is my pussy!
<img src="images/ec-pussy.svg">
What are you going to do to it?
[[I'd stroke it|ec lick/fuck/stroke]]
[[I'd lick it|ec lick/fuck/stroke]]
[[I'd fuck it|ec lick/fuck/stroke]]Omg yes! That would be sooo good! 😃
<img src="images/ec-pussy-touch.svg">
Can I show you what REALLY turns me on?
[[Okay|ec finger bottom]]I like stroking my pussy right from down here like this...
<img src="images/ec-finger-bottom.svg">
[[Okay...|ec finger top]]All the way up to my clit like this...
<img src="images/ec-finger-top.svg">
If I keep doing that, I'll definitely cum!
[[Okay|ec warm now]]
[[Keep doing that!|ec keep touching]]
[[Where's your clit?|ec wheres clit?]]Omg I'm soooo warm now! 😊🔥
We definitely warmed the bed up! 😄
[[Great!|ec tshirt off?]]
[[Take your tshirt off!|ec tshirt off tease]]Hehe ok!! ✨😘✨
I'm imagining that instead of my finger...
it's your tongue licking my pussy
Is that okay? 😊
[[Yes!|ec warm now]]
[[What do you taste like?|ec taste?]]Should I take my tshirt off babe?! ✨😃✨
[[Yes|ec tshirt off tease]]
[[No|ec dont take tshirt off]]Hehe ok!
Let me send you a pic!!
[[Okay|ec tshirt off tease2]]But I'm sooo hot now babe! 😊🔥
...and my tits want to be free!!! 😉
Don't u want to see my tits?
[[Yes!|ec tshirt off tease]]
[[Nah|ec decline tits]]<img src="images/ec-shirt-up.svg">
Just taking my tshirt off!
[[Okay|ec tits]]
[[Your tits are beautiful!|ec tits beautiful]]Hmmm, my fingers are wet, let me check!! 😽
<img src="images/ec-taste.svg">
[[Okay...|ec taste]]
[[🤢|ec dont like taste]]It tastes....
✨Amazing!!! 😄😉✨
I'm sure you'd like it!! 💕😽
[[Great!|ec warm now]]
[[No I wouldn't|ec dont like taste]]Hehe I bet you'd like it!!! 😉😊
[[Okay|ec warm now]]
[[I'll have to try for myself!|ec warm now]]You don't want to see these tits? 😮
<img src="images/ec-shirt-up.svg">
[[Nah|ec decline pussy]]
[[Well ok then!|ec tits]]<img src="images/ec-tits.svg">
What would you rather lick...
My nipples, or my pussy? 😏😏✨
[[I want to lick your nipples|ec lick nips2]]
[[I want to lick your pussy|ec lick pussy2]]😊😊😊
Babe, you make me feel so special! 😘💕
So you have a decision to make...
[[Oh?|ec tits]]Hehe that would feel soooo good babe! ✨😊✨
<img src="images/ec-tits-finger.svg">
I'm imagining you licking my nipples while I touch myself
[[Next, I'd suck your nipples|ec lick nips]]
[[Next, I'd lick your pussy|ec lick pussy3]]Oh YES babe!! Good answer! ✨😊✨
Because my pussy is WET, & I'm waiting for you to make me cum!
[[Okay!|ec finger how]]
[[Are you touching yourself?|ec touching?]]<img src="images/ec-lick-start.svg">
How would you lick me?
[[Start at the bottom...|ec lick correct]]
[[Start at the top...|ec lick wrong]]Yes!
<img src="images/ec-tits-finger.svg">
I want to imagine that my finger is your tongue 😏
[[Okay|ec finger how]]Oh yes babe! That would feel soooo good!!!
My pussy is so WET, & I'm waiting for you to make me cum!
Can you lick my pussy next?
I'm pretending my finger is your tongue 😛😏
[[Okay!|ec finger how]]
[[Nah|ec decline lick]]Oh YES babe!!!
Because my pussy is WET, & I'm waiting for you to make me cum!
I'm pretending my finger is your tongue 😛😏
[[Okay!|ec finger how]]Omg baaaabe! 😡
You don't want to lick my pussy?!! 😩
I need you to make me cum!!
[[Okay!|ec finger how]]
[[Nope|ec decline pussy]]...& then to the top...
<img src="images/ec-lick-top.svg">
YES babe! 💕😃✨
It feels soo good on my clit!!
[[Keep doing that!|ec again]]
[[Put a finger inside|ec finger inside]]
[[Are you going to cum?|ec cum?]]No that's not right!
I like it from the bottom to the top!
[[Oh okay|ec try again]]
[[Sorry|ec try again]]I'm imagining you licking my pussy from the bottom up to my clit
<img src="images/ec-lick-top.svg">
It feels soo good!
[[Keep doing that!|ec again]]
[[Slide a finger inside your pussy|ec finger inside]]
[[Are you going to cum?|ec cum?]]Yes, very soon!
...if I keep rubbing my clit
...and pretending it's your tongue 😛
...do you want to lick my clit?
[[Yes!|ec again]]
[[Slide a finger inside your pussy|ec finger inside]]Ok!!
<img src="images/ec-lick-top.svg">
But this isn't what makes me cum
[[What makes you cum?|ec how cum?]]Yes babe, that feels sooo amazing! 💕
I think...
I'm going to....
...cum! ✨
Do you want me to cum? 😊
[[Yes!|ec cum]]
[[Not yet!|ec dont cum]]OMG YES!!! 🔥💦
Wow.... 😮💨
You made me cum so hard!!
[[😁|ec smile]]
[[I wish I was there!|ec wish was there]]
[[Are you warm now?|ec warm now?]]...if I keep rubbing my clit
...and pretending it's your tongue 😛
...do you want to lick my clit?
[[Yes!|ec again]]
[[Nah|ec decline clit]]Don't you want to make me cum?!! 😡😡
[[Yes, rub your clit!|ec again]]
[[Wait!|ec wait]]My clit is at the top! Here:
<img src="images/ec-clit.svg">
It's really sensitive. Sometimes I can't touch it directly because it's too much!
I'm going to keep stroking my pussy, & pretend it's your tongue...
Is that okay? 😊
[[Yes!|ec warm now]]
[[What do you taste like?|ec taste?]]I can't wait!!! 😫
You've turned me on SOO much!! 😄😄
[[Okay!|ec cum]]
[[I want you to cum!|ec cum]]I can't wait babe!!! 😩
I'm rubbing my clit right now! xx
[[Okay!|ec cum ready]]It feels sooo amazing babe! 💕
I think...
I'm going to....
...cum! ✨
Do you want me to cum? 😊
[[Yes!|ec cum]]
[[Not yet!|ec dont cum]]I'm going to get out of bed now
I need a shower, haha!
[[Okay|ec mirror]]
[[Are you warm now?|ec warm now? (after smile)]]Omg me too 🤗
It was so fun imagining you were here tho!!
Anyways... I'm going to get out of bed now
I need a shower, haha! 😝
[[Okay|ec mirror]]
[[Are you warm now?|ec warm now? (after smile)]]Haha omg yes! 🔥
I'm sweating! 🥵💦
I need a shower now, haha!
[[Okay|ec mirror]]I'll talk to you l8r! x
<img src="images/ec-mirror.svg">
[[Ok, bye!|end]]
[[Turn around!|ec mirror bk tease]]Haha omg yes! 🔥
I'm sweating! 🥵💦
That's why I need a shower!
[[Okay|ec mirror]]Lol you wanna see my butt?
Hold on...
[[Okay|ec mirror bk]]<img src="images/ec-mirror-bk.svg">
I really need to go get ready for College now!
Byeeee! ✨😘💕✨
[[Ok bye|end]]I'm horny today babe!!! 😉
I was hoping you could play with me...
...I'm in bed!!
Would you like to keep me warm?
[[Yes|ec keep warm]]
[[No|ec decline warm up]]Yessss babe! 🥳😀
How would you keep me warm 😏
[[I'd kiss you...|ec kiss]]
[[I'd give you a massage|ec massage]]What makes you think I'm wearing anything else? 😛
[[No underwear?|ec ask underwear]]
[[Take the t-shirt off!|ec ask remove tshirt]]Hehe ok ok, I'm also wearing panties! 😆
I'd be too cold otherwise!
[[I know how to warm you up!|ec warm up (after panties)]]
[[Show me your panties|ec ask panties]]Here's my panties!
<img src="images/ec-pants.svg">
[[Take them off!|ec ask remove panties]]
[[Very sexy!|ec sexy panties]]You do? Lol 😄
...well.... 😏 ...before you warm me up...
Want to see my panties
[[Sure|ec ask panties]]Okay,
...how will you warm me up? 😉🔥
[[I'd kiss you...|ec kiss]]
[[I'd give you a massage|ec massage]]
[[I'd get you a hot drink|ec hot drink]]No ideas at all?! 😆
I think you have some! 😉
[[I'd kiss you...|ec kiss]]
[[I'd give you a massage|ec massage]]
[[I'd get you a hot drink|ec hot drink]]I'm embarassed to say it... 😆
[[Tell me!|ec panties wet]]
[[What is it?!|ec panties wet]]You have to help me with something...
Something that I need...
[[What do you need?|ec need what]]
I NEED to cum!!! xx
[[Okay!|ec help cum]]
[[How can I help with that?|ec how help?]]<i class="warning">This is a short demo, from my game LEWD MOD</i>
The full game is much longer, & allows you to form a relationship with Ellie & other characters.
It has a lot more flirting, & none of the images are censored.
You can buy the full game on Itch.io for $2.80.
H.H Richards ;-)
<a onclick="window.open(this.href,'_blank','location=no');return false;" href="https://hhrichards.itch.io/lewd-mod?utm_source=snuggle&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=snuggleintrobtn">Get the full game</a>
[[Start|cosy start]]<h1>Later...</h1>
[[Continue|hi again]]This has been a short demo for the game LEWD MOD
The full game has:
- Loads more naked images
- More characters to chat/flirt with
- Hundreds of sexy selfies
<a onclick="window.open(this.href,'_blank','location=no');return false;" href="https://hhrichards.itch.io/lewd-mod?utm_source=snuggle&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=endbtn">Get the full game</a>
<a onclick="window.open(this.href,'_blank','location=no');return false;" href="https://hhrichards.itch.io/?utm_source=snuggle&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=snuggleend">More games like this</a>Hi again!!
I'm cold!! 🥶❄️
So I'm wondering how you're going to warm me up.... 😉🔥
Have any good ideas....? 😏
[[Yes, of course!|ec good idea]]
[[Nope!|ec no ideas]]