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,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,By H.H Richards
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Start with a score equal to the number of images/passages. Decrement each time you get one wrong.
Add the decrementer on the option which is incorrect.
<i class="warning">This is a short demo, from my game LEWD MOD</i>
The full game is much longer, & allows you to form a relationship with Maddie & other characters.
It has a lot more flirting, & none of the images are censored.
You can buy the full game on for $2.20.
H.H Richards ;-)
<a href="">Get the full game</a>
[[Start|Maddie begin]]<<nobr>>
<div class="email-top">
<img src="images/sophie.svg" class="email-top__profile" width="50" height="50">
<p class="email-top__name">From: Sophie H.</p>
<div class="email-top">
<img src="images/upper-management.svg" class="email-top__profile" width="50" height="50">
<p class="email-top__name">From: UPPER MANAGEMENT</p>
<div class="email-top">
<img src="images/kurt.svg" class="email-top__profile" width="50" height="50">
<p class="email-top__name">From: Kurt M.</p>
<<set $fullGame to false>>
<div class="email-top">
<img src="images/maddie.svg" class="email-top__profile" width="50" height="50">
<p class="email-top__name">From: Maddie B.</p>
<</nobr>><<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
Hey hun, it's Maddie!
I need some advice on pics I want to send to my BF.
Do you want to help me?
[[Sure|Maddie 43 sure]]
[[Are you sure?|Maddie are you sure]]<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
Of course! you're a great help!
You're good inspiration!
[[Okay then|Maddie 43 sure]]<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
Ok great!
He's at work right now, I want to get his attention. But just a tease.
I've taken a photo, want to see?
[[Yep, show me!|Maddie undress 1]]
[[Where are you right now?|Maddie in bathroom]]<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
Oh I'm in the office bathroom!
I wanted to take these photos in secret! ;-)
[[Ok show me!|Maddie undress 1]]<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
<img src="images/maddie-bra1.svg">
Is this ok?
[[Yes that's nice]]
[[Far too tame!]]
[[Take your top off!]]<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
Ok, but do you think I should pull my top down, like this?
<img src="images/maddie-bra2.svg">
[[Take your top off|Remove top actual]]
[[Don't pull it down too far]]<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
Oh really!
Okay so should I pull my top down more, like this?
<img src="images/maddie-bra2.svg">
[[Take your top off|Remove top actual]]
[[Don't pull it down too far]]<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
I was thinking of pulling it down just a bit. Like this?
<img src="images/maddie-bra2.svg">
[[Take it off completely|Remove top actual]]
[[Ok that's good|Don't pull it down too far]]<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
Take my top off completely?
Are you sure?
[[Yes|Maddie in bra]]
[[Actually the last photo was fine|Maddie bra finished]]<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
Ok, so if I pull it down a bit more, like this?
<img src="images/maddie-bra3.svg">
[[That's perfect!|Maddie bra finished]]
[[Take your top off|Remove top actual]]
<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
Oh excellent!
I'll send him this photo.
So excited what he'll say! :-D
[[Continue|44-end]]<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
I've taken my top off! Do I look sexy?
<img src="images/maddie-bra4.svg">
[[Yes!|Maddie bra finished]]
[[No|Maddie insulted]]<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
No need to be such a dick!!!
I thought you were helping me?!
[[Just joking! It's sexy!|Maddie bra finished]]
<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
I've done something naughty! :-)
[[Omg I don't want to know!|Maddie bra info check]]
[[What?|Maddie bra info]]
<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
Haha, are you sure you don't want to know? ;-)
[[What have you done?|Maddie bra info]]<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
I thought it would be easier to take better pics if I took my bra off.
It's not a very sexy one today, I realised :-(
So I've taken it off!
[[Nice!|Maddie bra off next]]
[[Why?|Maddie bra off why]]
[[Can I see?|Show Maddie's bra question]]
<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
I'm not used to being braless at work!
It's LOADS more comfortable!
It feels kinda... sexy & comfy at the same time, haha!
[[Can I see?|Show Maddie's bra question]]
[[Ok what next?|Maddie sneak to bathroom]]<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
I'm back at my desk now, but here it is...
<img src="images/maddie-bra-desk.svg">
[[OMG|Maddie sneak to bathroom]]
[[Is this more comfortable?|Hanging free]]<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
I thought it would be sexy! I was going to take some more photos!
[[Haha ok!|Maddie bra off next]]
[[Can I see?|Show Maddie's bra off]]<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
Haha, don't believe me?!
Do you want to see proof that I'm not wearing a bra?
[[Yes! Show me!|Show Maddie's bra off]]
[[I believe you!|Maddie sneak to bathroom]]
<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
Ok I'm going to sneak off back to the office bathroom to take more photos for my BF.
Will you help me choose the best one to send again?
[[Sure|Maddie bra worry]]
[[Nah|Maddie bra worry]]<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
My only worry is that I'll be called into a meeting with <i>UPPER MANAGEMENT</i> & they'll notice, haha!
[[Put it back on!]]
[[Take the photos quickly!]]<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
It's LOADS more comfortable yeah!
I'm not used to being braless at work!
It feels kinda... sexy & comfy at the same time, haha!
[[Ok what next?|Maddie sneak to bathroom]]<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
No way! I'm going to sneak to the bathroom right now & take some photos!
[[Ok!|Maddie undress intro]]<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
Haha okay I'll sneak to the bathroom right now!
[[Ok!|Maddie undress intro]]<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
Okay I'm in the bathroom!
<img src="images/maddie-undress1.svg">
I need your help to tell me what to do tho!
[[Ok!|Maddie start undress]]
<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
<img src="images/maddie-undress2.svg">
What should I do?
[[Take your top off]]
[[Pull your strap down]]<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
Not so fast!
I want to take some slow tease photos!
[[Pull your strap down]]<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
You mean like this?
<img src="images/maddie-undress3.svg">
[[That's good!|Maddie undress part 1 done]]
[[Now pull your top down]]<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
Oh great!
I'll save that photo!
I'm enjoying this! Shall I keep going?
[[Yes!|Now pull your top down]]
[[We should get back to work|45 get back to to work]]<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
Like this?
<img src="images/maddie-undress4.svg">
[[Yes!|Reveal nipple]]
[[Keep going!|Reveal nipple]]<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
Ok, back to work!
This was exciting! :-D
[[Continue|End Maddie]]<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
How far?
<img src="images/maddie-undress5.svg">
[[That's good!|Maddie undress part 2 done]]
[[All the way!|Maddie show covered boob]]<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
Oh great!
I'll save that photo!
This is turning me on :-) Shall I keep going?
[[Yes!|Maddie show covered boob]]
[[We should get back to work|45 get back to to work]]<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
Is this enough?
<img src="images/maddie-undress6.svg">
[[You're so sexy!]]
[[Remove your hand!]]
[[Give it a squeeze!]]<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
Lol, you're definitely making me feel sexy right now!
What do you want to see next? ;-)
[[Remove your hand!]]
[[Give it a squeeze!]]<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
Are you ready?
[[Yes!|Maddie show boob]]
[[Nah|45 get back to to work]]<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
Are you ready?
[[Yes!|Maddie squeeze boob]]
[[Nah|45 get back to to work]]<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
<img src="images/maddie-undress7.svg">
[[So hot!|45 Maddie done]]
[[Great photo!|45 Maddie done]]<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
<img src="images/maddie-undress8.svg">
[[So hot!|45 Maddie done]]
[[Great photo!|45 Maddie done]]<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
Do you think this photo will work?
...& turn him on? :-)
[[Yes!|Maddie good end]]
[[No|Maddie bad end]]
[[It turned me on!|Maddie good end]]<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
Oh good! :-) :-) :-)
I have to admit...
That did make me a little bit...
[[Omg!|Wet ending]]
[[We should get back to work!|End Maddie]]<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
Why not?
[[Just joking - of course it will!|Maddie good end]]
[[We should get back to work|45 get back to to work]]
<<include "Email top bar Maddie">>
I know, right :-D
We should get back to work now though
I enjoyed this tho. We should do it again!
[[Ok|End Maddie]]<<link 'Chapter select'>>
<<dialog 'Chapter Select'>>
Choosing a chapter below will lose your current progress.
[[Day 1|Start new game][Dialog.close(),UIBar.stow(true)]]
[[Day 2][Dialog.close(),UIBar.stow(true)]]
[[Day 3][Dialog.close(),UIBar.stow(true)]]
[[Day 4][Dialog.close(),UIBar.stow(true)]]
[[Day 5][Dialog.close(),UIBar.stow(true)]]
[[Day 6][Dialog.close(),UIBar.stow(true)]]
[[Day 7][Dialog.close(),UIBar.stow(true)]]
[[Day 8][Dialog.close(),UIBar.stow(true)]]
[[Day 9][Dialog.close(),UIBar.stow(true)]]
[[Day 10][Dialog.close(),UIBar.stow(true)]]
[[Day 11][Dialog.close(),UIBar.stow(true)]]
[[Day 12][Dialog.close(),UIBar.stow(true)]]
[[Day 13][Dialog.close(),UIBar.stow(true)]]
[[Day 14][Dialog.close(),UIBar.stow(true)]]
<div class="email-top">
<img src="images/ellie.svg" class="email-top__profile" width="50" height="50">
<p class="email-top__name">From: Ellie B 💕😊</p>
<div class="email-top">
<img src="images/darlad.svg" class="email-top__profile">
<p class="email-top__name">From: Darla D Official</p>
<</nobr>>This has been a short demo for the game LEWD MOD
The full game has:
- Loads more naked images
- More characters to chat/flirt with
- Accept or ban sexy selfies
<a href="">Get the full game</a>